Our strategy question of the month for February focuses on practice group management. Specifically, we are asking law firm leaders to share their own experiences relative to what practice group leaders are expected to do at their respective firms. The list of potential responsibilities is long, but many firms focus on a narrower set of responsibilities.
We are interested in learning what practice group leaders are expected to do. In addition, we hope to link those findings to perceptions of the overall effectiveness of practice management. So, you will find two questions below. The first is a “check all that apply” question listing many responsibilities practice group leaders could be expected to take on. The second is a simple rating scale – how effective overall is practice management at your firm?
We recognize that firms have different terminology for their practice groups (e.g., sections, service teams, practice groups, etc.). Further, we realize that in many firms practice management occurs at two levels – one focusing on larger, all encompassing groups (e.g., the transactional lawyers, the litigation and dispute resolution lawyers); and the other focusing on more discrete groups (e.g., structured finance, public finance, class action litigation, toxic torts, etc.). For purposes of this survey, we are looking at the smaller, more discrete groups – so, focus your answers on that level of practice management.
Results will be published here on our blog after the President’s Day holiday. Deadline for responding to the survey is midnight, February 18th. All individual responses will remain confidential and anonymous. Feel free to contact John Sterling with any questions that might arise (312) 543-6616 or jsterling@sterlingstrat.com.
If for some reason you do not see the survey in the window below, click the link here and you can complete the survey at a secure secondary site.