The budget process is right around the corner – at least for the vast majority of firms that are on a calendar year cycle.
These quick monthly surveys are primarily intended to build a foundation of useful information and benchmarks for law firm leadership. While budget development may not be viewed as strategic, for many organizations it is a vital tool for allocating resources in ways that are consistent with and supportive of the overall strategy. At any rate, we can all benefit from learning about what is working best in budget processes around the legal industry.
With that in mind, let’s learn about what approaches are proving to be most useful and most helpful in the budget development process in law firms. As always, individual responses will remain entirely confidential. The survey should take less than five minutes. Aggregate responses will be reported at the end of the month on this blog. Deadline to respond is end of business PDT on Thursday, September 27, 2012. As always, thank you for your help and participation.
If for any reason you do not see the survey in the box below, click here and you will be taken directly to the survey host site.